Saturday, December 30, 2006
We have a winner: Grr!!!!!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Formerly Ferul Friday
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
- Bild my harum of spicy vixins
- Mooch more nuzzles and skriches
- Kleen owt and orgunize gutter
- Teech Skeez my triks on how to woo wimmin
- Sell ten cans of Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunttm
- Exersize by lifting spicy vixins up on my lap
- Lern to drive a Harley
- Finish reeding "Ten Steps to a More Successful Persunality"
- Grow more nip
- Buy that spicy vixin Rosie a BART tikkit to come vizit me (Kuntinjint on suksessful exekyooshun of #5)
- Win Catster's Coolest Cat Sleeper Award for the sekund yeer in a row
- Git fameus like Brad Pitt so I can attrakt more spicy vixins.
- Maybe rite a book on how to git lots of spicy vixins
Technorati Tags: thursday thirteen
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Gess my 100th post kontest!
Prize: Bad Cat-a-Day Kalinder
Leeve yer gesses (date AND time PST) in the comments feeld of this post. All cats are ellijibul. DEDLINE for GESSES: midnite Friday, 12/29.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Tuxie Toozday
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I'm Dreeming of Sum Spicey Vixins!
I’m dreeming of sum spicy vixins,
Like Sadie, DaisyMae and Rosie
We’ll eet turkey and fixin’s
And do lots of kissin,
And share catnip in the snow.
I’m dreeming of sum spicy vixins
With evry blog entrey I rite.
May yer days be nip-filled and bright!
And yer vixins spicy all nite.
6PM PST tonite: Skeezix's Krissmiss Eeve Story!!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Formerly Ferul Friday
Thursday Thirteen: Edishun 3
- Hey, Babe. Wanna see my gutter?
- Wanna be one of my spicy vixins?
- If yoo blow chunks, I'll eet it.
- If yoo were a booger, I wood pik you ferst.
- Wunt to chek owt my catnip boo-fay?
- If byooty was a crime, yoo'd be in for life.
- My catbed is heetid. Wanna warm up?
- I'm on Santa's nawty list. Wunna find owt why?
- If you were a new burger at McDonald's, you'd be McGorgeous.
- Do yoo like Fancy Feest? Cuz that's whut we're having for brekfist tomorrow.
- Yer legs must be tired becuz yoo've bin running thru my mind all nite.
- This isn't a beer belly--it's the gas tank for a luv masheen!
- Hey, Sadie. Yoo look like me!
Technorati Tags: thursday thirteen
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Widebody Wenzday

Tuxie Toozday
Monday, December 18, 2006
That Spicy Vixin Rosie is Cat of the Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I inkerij yoo to drop by her Catster profile, and if yer a member, leeve her a treet or a rozette or a star and let her know that yoo think she's the best, too!!!!!
>> Rosie's Blog
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Rocky's Male Bag
I also got a bro-shur frum Fremont Porsche wich sells Porsches. They spell porche funny becuz its Jermun. We kinda need a new frunt porche after my industreeyul aksident, since it still stinks like skunk farts by the frunt door, so maybe I'll go vizit them and try to git the peepul a new frunt porche for Krissmiss. I have to admit, the bro-shur was vary stranje becuz thare was not one singul pikchur of a porche, just a bunch of sports cars. Advertizing can be vary misteerius.
Big Bad Baby Twinkle is a GERL!
My apolujeez, BBBT!!!!!! We hope yoo'll come bak! THE END --- RtGC
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Widebody Wenzday

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuxie Toozday: Sepurrrayted at Berth?

If it seems like I'm a littul frisky lately, it's becuz I've bin gitting such goooood nursin' frum my harem -- espeshully Sadie and DaisyMae. The thing abowt Sadie is that it's like lookin' in a mirrer. That's her in the pikchur above. We even have the faint littul pointy white mark between owr eyes. She and Speedy and Zippy finely got thare own blog, so yoo can hop over thare and see more pikchurs. Is thare anybuddy else owt there hoo has a "sepurrayted at berth" dubbul? THE END --- RtGC
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I'm myoozikul
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Formerly Ferul Friday
I'm a Winner!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
* No werries, gerls, thare's plenty of ole' Rocky to go arownd!
Whut kind of vishus ranedeer I am....
You Are Blitzen |
![]() Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa. Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying! Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean "vishus deer" or a Catmopolitan for yer faverit vixens. |
GOT MY STAPLES OWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But gerls, yer still welcome to come over and give ole' Rocky sum GOOOOOOD nursin'! THE END --- RtGC
Widebody Wenzday
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Tuxie Toozday

* I'm a littul sweet on her. She's hot. Yoo shood chek her owt.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
We had a littul industreeyul aksident...
So, if yoo placed an order with us reesintly, it mite be delayed until we can catch enuf skunk farts to make anuther batch. THE END --- RtGC
Thursday, November 30, 2006
My Thursday Thirteen
- Ware a Yankees kap. Chiks dig sports guyz and athuleets.
- Rite a blog.
- Git a Hugh Hefner smoking jakkit to ware in the grotto. I don't have wun but Kismet duz, and EVRYWUN knows he's a regyuler chik magnit.
- Git horns implantid in yer 4hed. I have herd that win yoo have horns, the ladeez can sense yoo are reddy to git down to bizniss.
- Go to the vet a lot and rite abowt it on yer blog. The chiks' Florinse Niteingale whoremones will start kikking in, and they'll wunt to "nurse yoo bak to helth." Let them.
- Good dentul high-jeens. Win yer breth is kissing sweet, the chiks are more inklined to wunt to kiss yoo.
- Let the chiks do all the talking. They like to talk, so let em.
- Git a dweebie baby bruther like Skeez hood wet his pants if he got close to a gerl. Wimmin are all over him becuz he's so "kyoot" but he coodn't date his way outta a paper bag. That's win big bruther Rocky stands bak and skoops up the overflow. It's like shootin fish in a barrul.
- I always ware a tuxeedo. Chiks dig guyz in tuxedos, and it is sed that evry guy looks good in a tuxedo. That spicey littul vixin Rosie calls it a munkey soot. Whutever. It's a good look for me, and it wood be a good look for yoo.
- Lern to nap with yer eyes open. That way, win the chik is yakkin' and yakkin' abowt the "relayshunship," yoo can git sum shuteye wile simultaneyusly skoring points for being a good lissiner.
- Git a hoohaectomy. It's no piknik, but theeze daze, no chik wunts to date a guy unless he's shooting blanks.
- Be a moovey star. Win "The Advenchurs of Rocky the Gutter Cat" was reeleest, I had to fend off the chiks with a stik. I thot of chanjing my name to Rocky Pitt.
- Know yer nip. Chiks mite not wunt to admit it, but they'd much rather date a konnusoor like me hoo knows skank weed frum the primo stuff and can show them a good time than sum guy hoo don't know buds frum stems. And wunce they git a few wiffs, yoo'll have them eeting frum the palm of yer paw.
Technorati Tags: thursday thirteen
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I got my horns reemoovd!
But at leest I no longer look like a vishus deer.
Sadie, Daisy Mae, or any of the rest of yoo gerls wanna come over and nurse poor ole' Rockyboy bak to helth??? THE END --- RtGC
I'm a HOT HOT(m)BC Catizen !!!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I got a hat

Tuxedo Toozday

Whut the hek did Bulevard Pet Hospitul put on my hed? Is it...
A) Vishus Deer horns
B) Devil horns
C) Andorian antenas
Or werse, did they operate and leeve a surjikul gluv inside???
Monday, November 27, 2006
Life Suks
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuxedo Toozday

Monday, November 20, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
OK, I admit it, I'm a frisky geezer

Skeez is busted
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I'm a finulist

Yoo can only cast one vote for Best in Show, wich makes it hard! Now, I know yoo all wunt Skeezix to win, but let me put in my sorry plee for yer vote:
- I'm an old geezer cat. This may be the very last kontest I ever git to enter.
- If I win, win I'm having my pee problims, I'll be abul to think of thoze happy daze win I was the Werld's Koolest Cat, and it mite take my mind off the pane.
- Skeezix is only 2 yeers old, and he has abowt 20 more chanses to enter agin before he dies.
- I pee a LOT, and that meens both freeqwintly and qwantitativly. So I need that automated catbox more than Skeez.
- Skeezix can go enter a cat show if he wunts to win sumthing. I'm a no-papers mixed breed frum the pownd hoo can't enter cat shows.
- Did I menshun that I'm an old geezer cat and this may be the very last kontest I ever git to enter?
So pleeze, vote for me. Or vote for Skeez if yoo must. But VOTE!
And if yoo vote for me, I rekummend voting for my "Stretch and Yawn" foto becuz I think the sleeper categorey is sewn up by an upstart kitten hoo illegully yoozd the Photoshop Kyoot Filter. THE END --- RtGC
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Widebody Wenzday

>> Fat Eric
>> Sir Edmund
>> Eric (not Fat Eric)
>> Cheeto's gerlfrend, Mrs B
>> Grr
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuxedo Toozday

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Widebody Wenzday

>> Fat Eric
>> Sir Edmund
>> Eric (not Fat Eric)
>> Cheeto's gerlfrend, Mrs B
>> Grr
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Widebody Wenzday

Mao has bin insuferubul since he invented Meezer Munday. Since Tuxedo Toozday had alreddy bin invented, it didn't look like I cood invent anything for myself. But then I desided to invent Widebody Wednesday, in wich I will showcase fotos of full-figyerd cats. I'm starting with a pikchur of myself, wich was takin before I got the thigh roids problim, and I was a plus-size cat. Forchewnitly, the howrglass pattern on my stumik had a slimming ifekt so I looked a lot skinnier than I akshully was. THE END --- RtGC
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuxedo Toozday

More Tuxies:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuxedo Toozday

More Tuxies:
Friday, October 20, 2006
Formerly Feral Friday

This is a pikchur of him dressing like that sissy, Skeezix. In fakt, Skeezix was vary upset that Trip was waring the speshul Halloween boa that Somoa got him. Skeezix jumped onto the raling upstares and yelled and yelled and yelled in that pathetik sqweeky voice of his. Trip didn't care. He was all over them fethers.
Anyways, since I am formerly ferul myself, I giv Trip a brake, since I know fersthand that life on the streets is hard. He's not a bad sort, just a littul too overenthooziastik. And psyko.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuxedo Toozday

More Tuxies:
Monday, October 16, 2006
Rocky's Male bag
The ferst one was an offer of a job:
Dear Rockford Nichols,
Acurian, a company specializing in patient recruitment of clincal trials, is working with a pharmaceutical company to find individuals willing to potentially participate in a clinical trial for prevention of migraine headaches. If you experience frequent and painful headaches, we would like to provide you with information on this trial that may be of interest to you or your family.
Only through the interest of study volunteers do new treatment options get tested so that they may be approved by the FDA and become available to people who need them. Please allow Acurian the opportunity to share with you information about this trial for headache prevention.
If you would like more information on this trial, simply visit, or call 1-800-981-8065 between 8 am and 10 pm (EST) Monday - Friday.
Christopher Haines, MD
That sownds pritty good. I don't have headache problims, but maybe they can help with my pee problims!
The second was a valyubul set of FREE TIKITS that came in a speshul invitayshun frum Donald Trump's closest advizer! Eech tikit is werth $149.
Heer's whut it sed:
Dear Rockford,
Because you were referred to me, I wanted to personally invite you as my VIP guest to hear my story and be trained by "4" of my personal mentors, who are some of the wealthiest self-made multi-millionarie experts in America. We will share with you our unique wealth creating secrets and strategies. As my special VIP guest, I have enclosed two (2) complimentary tickets and you will receive a free special edition of "TRUMP Strategies for Real-Estate Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor" at the conference. The normal tuition fee of $149 is waived for you.
It kind of goze on and on after that, but I skipped over it becuz all I wunt to know is ware to sine up! I'm gonna take my frend Mao with me so that we can lern sum tips on how to market Mao and Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt and become rich millionaires. If we lern any good money-making tips, we'll let yoo know! THE END --- RtGC
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tuxie Toozday

Monday, October 09, 2006
Watching Klarense

In this pikchur, I'm watching wun of my faverit videeyos. It stars sumwun named Brooose. But I'm not watching Brooose heer. I'm watching my faverite persun in the videeyo. His name is "the big man Klarense Klemuns." I know it's a long name. He mite be relayted to the big man cat Kismet. He blows into this big metal thing and makes a lowd sound with it. It's kinda jazzy. I like it. Sumtimes, win I put on my Harley jakit and go down to Spanky's (the dive biker bar), I can heer Brooose and Klarense on the jukebox. THE END -- RtGC
Friday, October 06, 2006
MY Thursday Thirteen
- Eet 6 or 7 cans of Fancy Feest Turkey and Giblets in the green can.
- Sleep on the chare in the cat bedroom.
- Sleep in the green cooshun chare by the lake in the bak yard.
- Drink a few galluns of water owt of the big lake in the bak yard.
- Hang owt in the gutter.
- Sit in the cat mint.
- Krap in the mulch.
- Eet gutter grass.
- Rekreeayshun: Do nip and play with the felt mousie and clime the walls. Play chase with Skeezix.
- Win the man in the bloo shorts comes, chek to see if I have any credit card offers or other male. If I do, fill owt the offers and put them bak in the box for the man in the bloo shorts to take away.
- Wine for food.
- Drink the kitty water fowntin in the house dry.
- Pee big briks in the litter box upstares.
Monday, October 02, 2006
My Helth
- No more ubstrukshuns. No more vet trips.
- They've bin forsing me to stay inside at nite wich at ferst I detested, but now I'm a regyuler nitetime inside cat. Skeez' got a lot of good nip for his berthday, and he's very nice to share it with me. And he's gotten me to play with him. I haven't played sinse Joonyer wint away. Joonyer was Mao's bruther hoo Skeez' "replayst". Joonyer was my best frend. He was the ferst cat hoo playd with me, and we became best frends. We'd cuddul up and sleep together. He was the gratest. Then something happend, and Joonyer wuzn't heer any more. That made me deprest, and that's win I desided to go bak to being a fulltime owtside cat, and I didn't play anymore. Skeez came to liv with us, and he wunted to play, but I wuz too deprest over Joonyer to play with Skeez' (hoo frankly, got on my nervs), and I never saw him much becuz he was an inside cat, and I was an owtside cat. So win my pee problim got bad and I was forst to stay inside, I had to spend more time with the wite rat. He got me playin agin. It's nice. I like playin'. It's fun. I git so nipped owt that I literully clime the walls win I play with Skeez. I'm FRISKY. We like to chase eech other fast thru the howse. It makes me purrr.
- They put medisin goop on my eers for my thigh roids problim. I have no ideeyuh why they put it on my eer, and not my thighz. I also have no ideeyuh why "thigh" has a "gh" on the end.
- I won't know until I get crammed into the cardbord prizzin box win I go to the vet next. Maybe never. Maybe today. I just don't know. They won't tell me becuz they think I'll run away if I know. Thare rite.
Thank yoo all fer yer consern. It's nice. THE END --- RtGC
Friday, September 29, 2006
I adopted Opie

Opie must be a Lord of the Rings fan, because he does his best to look like Gollum! When he's not skulking around, you'll find him hunched in the corner, looking suspicious. And he has had enough adventures to fill a book! Before he came to Best Friends, he had been wandering around Venice, California, dazed, hungry, and thirsty. Suddenly, he foundSo now I have to figyur owt how I can go visit Opie hoo livs far away in Yoo-tah. I've bin looking at the greyhownd bus skedjools, but the bus duzn't come to Castro Valley and I woodn't like to ride on a dawg bus anyway. I thot maybe I cood take BART, but that sownds too much like BARK wich makes me nervus. THE END -- RtGC
himself trapped in a storm drain. He couldn't jump out! He was desperate. Little did he know, a dog would be the one to come to his rescue! A particular little dog and his person went for a walk every day past where Opie was trapped. And whenever they went by, the dog would stick his nose in to say hello. His person began to wonder what was in there. When she looked, she saw Opie! By the time he was rescued, he was really skinny - nearly dead!
After Opie was found, he was brought to the vet where it was discovered that he has diabetes as well as a spinal injury from having once been hit by a car! Because his diabetes was untreated for so long, his back legs don't work so well - that's why he couldn't jump out of the storm drain. Opie had been tired, thirsty, and hurting for so long that he never thought he'd be happy again. But now that he's at Best Friends, he finds his mood improving every day. And it turns out that despite his sulky looks, he's a
very personable cat.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Rocky's Malebox
Dear Friend,
This is your personal invitation to our upcoming Huge Land Auction on October 1, 2006. At this awesome event, over 150 parcels of valuable land will be sold! We are selling everything from city lots to huge parcles of country land. Don't miss it! (I won't!!!)
Then it gives the time and place, and continyooze:
We offer financing on every parcel we sell. The paperwork is easy and everyone qualifies to buy. We specialize in no hassle transactions, making the American Dream of owning land possible for everyone. To find out more about the auction, visit our website at
Free land!
We will be giving away free parcels of land throughout the auction. When you register at the auction, you will be given tickets to participate in drawings for valuable FREE LAND!
Anybuddy wanna go with me??? I'm shoor that out of 150 parcels, thare will be sum good gutter land avayleubul.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Rocky: 1 Shon: 0
But just as I fooled them into thinking I wuz a plasid mellow fellow, I wint into Ninja mode and nayled Shon the vet man's helper reel good with my clawz and made him bleed bukkets of blud. I bared my teeth. It felt good. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it any more.
Thare's nuthin rong with me. I am strong like Hercyooleez!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Still not feelin' too good
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Ware's the man?
I like this new sleeping arranjemint. If it's becuz the man's away, then I hope he stays away forever. Well, no, maybe not. He always, like, has conversayshuns with me and is intristed in whut I have to say. He's a good frend. But he's not wild abowt cats on the bed at nite.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Whut a Weekend....
But yesterday I started feeling bad. I tride to pee and coodn't. And it hert. A LOT. I cood barely ketch my breth it hert so much. So I yowld and tride to pee and yowld and tride to pee and it wuz very distressing. I'd drank a lot of water, abowt five galuns, and I HAD TO PEE!!! But nothin wood come out. So the lady and the man pakt me back up in that awful kardbord box and put me in the bloo masheen that livs in my gutter and the drove me to a place I'd never bin before. Mr Tasty Face drove reely fast. The lady kept saying it wuz like Mr Tode's Wild Ride. I don't know whut that is, but it was scarey. He drove on a reely winding rode thru a kanyun and I know it was winding becuz win he wint arownd a wind-ey part, my box fell over on its side and the lady yelled at the man, and then he'd go arownd anuther wind-ey part reely fast, and the box fell over on its other side, and it was probly like being in a washing masheen, only dry (unforchewnitly). So the lady krolled over and got my box frum the bak seet and put it on her lap, wich was much better. I started to relax a littul, and then I peed all over the lady's lap. That made her happy. Then we got to the place they took me.
It was fresh and new and kleen. It's called an emerjincey vet. It's open win the other vet-mans are goofing off at home. They took the pee out of me. It was red. It was not a plezint proceedyur. They gave me a shot. I think it wuz like the morfeen they gave Rosie and Cheeto's lady win she had the kid-me problim. It made the hurting go away mostly. After a wile, they put me bak in the kardbord box and put me and the kardbord box bak on the lady's lap in the bloo masheen and we wint home. They watcht me reel close and lokt me in the cat bedroom without the other cats to bug me. That was okay. In the morning, they were happy that I peed in the nite. They put sum barfy medisin in my mouth that keeps the hurt away. I'm a littul disorientid. They don't want me to go outside so they can watch me. It suks to be me. THE END - RtGC
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
More frum my malebox
Do any of yoo have long-term care insurance or life insurance?It sounds scary! How do they know I'm a geezer? Did sumbuddy tell? I'm shoor glad I got all thoze credit cards so I can pay for my nursing home care. Do they have gutters at nursing homes? Do they serve Fancy Feest? Whut are taxes? I don't think I've ever pade them becuz I'm whut yoo call a freeloader. THE END -- RtGCDear Rockford R Nichols,
As a responsible citizen, you have paid taxes most of your life, and that's why I think you have a right to be deeply concerned by what I am about to tell you.
The cost of long-term care is high. One year of nursing home care in California averages over $69,000 a year. Home care is usually less expensive but it still adds up. A well designed Long-Term Care Insurance policy may go a long way towards covering most of these costs.
Monday, September 11, 2006
It suks to be me, PT 2
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I peed in the Howse
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It suks to be me

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Evry Nite's a Sleepover
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My Reel Age
Saturday, September 02, 2006
My Bench

In this pikchur, I'm keeping an eegul eye on the sidewok. The sidewok is ware I see most of the introoders. It is next to my home in the gutter. I hate introoders, espeshully win they are dawgs.
The bench is nice to sit on win it's reely hot or reely cold outside becuz it duzn't git as hot or cold as the cement. Since I'm a geezer cat, I feel the cold more than yung wipper-snapper cats do. THE END -- RtGC
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt

This patin-pending formyooluh is garunteed to keep the vishus deer frum eeting yoo. It comes with a money-bak garuntee. That meens, if the vishus deer eet yoo after yoo use this amazing product, yoo'll git evry penny of yer money bak. Me and Mao are doing this so all of Skeezix's littul cat frends can relax and not werry abowt the vishus deer. And, if yoo order in the next fifteen minutes, yoo'll get my best-selling booklit, "Queer Eye for the Gutter Guy" absolootely free. Just send all yer allowince to me and Mao heer: Big Pointy-Roof House after the curve in the Street with the Bloo Masheens out frunt, Castro Valley by the big forest.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sleepover with Skeezix
I liked it. It was warmer in the howse than in my gutter bedroom. I even used the catbox downstares to pee in in the morning wich tho it wasn't mulch was okay to pee in. Maybe I'll do anuther sleepover sumtime. THE END --- RtGC
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
It was a good nite
Friday, August 25, 2006
Whut Catmint Looks Like

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Whut a Krappy Week
Plus, the peeple haven't bin hitting any homeruns with cat food flavers this week.
Plus, thare was a flotilla of stranjers hoo visited this weekend, and they were very lowd and thare were very many of them and they PARKED THARE BIG HONKIN SUVS IN MY GUTTER and they called me "Roger" insted of "Rocky."
I hate my life.
Monday, August 21, 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006
What Catmint Is
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Don't Switch to Blogger Beta
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Catmint Dreemz
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Skeezix's Stroles
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Maybe I AM a Geezer Cat!
I've bin tagged
Post 5 weird things/habits about yourself. Choose 5 cats to be tagged and list their names. The cats who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. The inside of my mouth is pink and black. So are my pawpads.
2. Win it's hot I lay on my back. The hotter it gits, the more I stretch out.
3. I love being held over the ladey's sholder, and scratched on the back of my neck. I go into a transe win she does that.
4. I liv in the gutter. They've tride to keep me owt of the gutter, but I refyooz, becuz I like it. But win it's cold, they put owt a heated cat bed for me on the porch. The porch is not in the gutter, but I do sleep thare win its cold or rainey. I refyooz to go in the howse. Win they try to force me to liv in the howse (wich is far infeeriyer to the gutter), I pee all over evrything until they let me go out.
5. I krap in the mulch.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
My breed is in wikepedia too

Well, MY BREED is also on Wikepedia with the most fameus tuxedo cat ever --- Socks --- in the foto. I'm not a persunal frend of Socks, but I feel like I am. Yoo can reed Socks biograffy here.
I also have a cuzzin named Oreo hoo is a Tuxedo cat. Oreo is not fameus. We are abowt the same age (way old). Oreo livs in a place called Linkin, wich is in the hills far far away. Poor Oreo duzn't have a nice gutter to live in. She lives in the wild outdoors. THE END --- RtGC
Monday, August 07, 2006
Anyway, I followed them back the other direkshun until I got tired, wich was at the next-door naybur's gutter. Then I pooped in the naybur's mulch, and I forgit what happend after that. THE END --- RtGC
Saturday, August 05, 2006
My Portabul Cabana

Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Playing Ded

Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
I put up posters

I spent the day (even tho it is still hot) putting up posters to help find Kismet's persun. Kismet's my frend, so I'm happy to help. Thare were lots of posters to put up. Skeezix printed them owt until the print masheen ran owt of ink. Heer is a pikchur of me putting one on a telefone pole. Skeezix coodn't do it becuz he's an inside cat and can only go out on the harniss or in his stroler, and it was urjint that we get the posters up. So I did. THE END --- RtGC
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I'm meeeellllllllttttinng!
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Screem