Well, MY BREED is also on Wikepedia with the most fameus tuxedo cat ever --- Socks --- in the foto. I'm not a persunal frend of Socks, but I feel like I am. Yoo can reed Socks biograffy here.
I also have a cuzzin named Oreo hoo is a Tuxedo cat. Oreo is not fameus. We are abowt the same age (way old). Oreo livs in a place called Linkin, wich is in the hills far far away. Poor Oreo duzn't have a nice gutter to live in. She lives in the wild outdoors. THE END --- RtGC
Are big man cats in the wikipedia too?
there is also one of our bestest blogging furriends who is named Oreo.
Kiz, I cood not find an entrey for "Big Man Cats" but they had an entrey for "British Big Cats" here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_big_cats . Sum say they may be survivers frum the prehistoric past. Are yoo a dinosore?
If anybody is a dinosore, it is you, Rockster! Aren't you like sixty??
I'm pritty shoor I'm older than sixty. How wood I find owt?
Rocky - I tagged you in my blog! Come see my entry!!
Here is a kalkyulaytur I found on the innernets:
That should help with your age!
It's good that we tuxedo cats have a special section in Wikipedia. We are extremely handsome, after all. I am the only true tuxie (black & white) in my family and I feel very special. My sisters Tipper & Misty wear gray & white tuxedo dresses.
I've joined the Tuxedo Gang. Maybe being an outside guy, you would want to be in our gang.
Maxwell Smartkitty
AND we have a gang!
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