Me and Mao had a rumble last Saturday
(did yoo ever notis thare's a "turd" in the middle of Saturday?) at midnite.
Rosie and Cheeto sugjested it. That's the reel reezin Mao is kranky. I whooped his sorry MaoBUTT. I may be a geezer cat, but I know gutter cat fiting tekneeks and I have streetsmarts. THE END --- RtGC
rumble in the ash-fault jungle!
Wow, I wish there was a video of that! I don't know though Rocky, that picture looks like Mao is about to get a good whack in.
My brother Max and I usually try to settle our differences like gentlemen, but sometimes we do end up whapping each other.
Awesume, more rumbles from the furry monstur peenut gallery...but this time in the daylite so skeezers can film yoo!
Oh, yeah, I could learn sum moves from you! So far, Victor doesn't take me seriously. Ears back - check. Tail lashing - check. Teeth bared - check. But he just mews and tries to pet me!!!
About yur male... If you need infestment advice, Patches Lady of the Calico Girls wants to become an infestment advisor. She has a paper, pencil, and great hat.
Yup, I am a vestement visor. Thanks for the plug Bonnie.
Patches, Feline Finance Councelor
Deer Latte,
Unforchunitly, this foto does not show how Mao was recoiling in this foto, going "Oh, shoot, I broke a nale!! Sumwun call 9-1-1!! Help" just like the sissy cat he is.
Yoo are one HOT babe!!! I've got sum nip (the good stuff: all buds/no stems/triple strength) I'd be happy to share with yoo. Then we can diskus my "assets", if yoo git my drift.
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