This patin-pending formyooluh is garunteed to keep the vishus deer frum eeting yoo. It comes with a money-bak garuntee. That meens, if the vishus deer eet yoo after yoo use this amazing product, yoo'll git evry penny of yer money bak. Me and Mao are doing this so all of Skeezix's littul cat frends can relax and not werry abowt the vishus deer. And, if yoo order in the next fifteen minutes, yoo'll get my best-selling booklit, "Queer Eye for the Gutter Guy" absolootely free. Just send all yer allowince to me and Mao heer: Big Pointy-Roof House after the curve in the Street with the Bloo Masheens out frunt, Castro Valley by the big forest.
I'll haf one can of reepellunt fer my brofurr Eric. I don't fink I needs any cos I's not afurraid of the vishus deer, I's the big game hunter.My brofurr goes down the feeld an stawks them, but he is on the large side an can't run fast like me. There's plenty of him furr the vishus deer to eat an I luvs him reely so I don't want him all eated up.
we don't haf vishus deer, only vishus hedgehogs. will it werk on them?
What an ammmmazing vishus deer on the frunt of yer can of cishus deer repelunt. Can yoo at all tell us the secret ingreedeients? Dus it smell gud? Have yoo sold anie to skeezix yet?
Hi Rocky! Yoo and Mao must be verry smart to haf creeated the vishus deer repelunt. Sinz I dont go owtside and haf niver seen a vishus deer arownd my howse I dont think I need to git yer repelunt. But it sowndz like a wunnderful thing. So if I ever see a vishus deer ennywears neer my howse I am glad to noe thet I can buy yer repelunt. My foodladee sayz she gits worryed sumtimez abowt vishus deer jumpin owt in frunt of her car so maybe I shuld mayk her buy sum to sprae on her car. Do yoo think thet wuld werk?
Me n Pepi haven't SEEN any vishus deer around here, but just in case we'd better get some. I want to get some for my bestest furriend Mistrie too, cuz there might be vishus deer in the Big Piney Woods too. Can you send Mistries hers? Mom promises she'll put the money in the mail this morning. Ours should go to House of the (Mostly) Black Cats on Our Street across from the Dog Rescue Lady. Mistrie's should go to her at The Back Deck, House in the Big Piney Woods. Fanks lots!
~~ Gree
I don't gets an all-allow-allowince, can I pays for tha deer repel-ants some ofur way?!?!? If you go back to tha very furst monff of mine bloggie you can see pictors of some of tha vissus deers from mine house!
ROCKY! Why didn't you tell me sooner you were makin this? I coulda bin a test subject. You posted this Thursday, but, see, I left Whensday wif my beans for Collar Ado, where there are LOTSA vishus deer. We efun sawed some on Saturday, but luckily they ran away. I was so ascared, I almost pooped in the boy's bag, where I was hidin an ridin the whole time.
Are you guys amazing or what? If you're taking suggestions for the future, Vishus Snake Repelunt might be just the thing for those of us in the desert. (Especially since Skeezix accidentally sent one here in his birthday party package.)
Lynettea asked me to find out if there is any vishus kangaroo repelunt. Or does this deer repelunt work for kangaroos as well? She is also interested in vishus koala repelunt.
This is an exceptionally important NPD - well done. Does it work on those vishus clumping horsie things we have in our village as well? They really scare me and they do very big poos which smell terrible. FAZ
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