Oh, man. Last nite, me and Mao were wipping up a batch of Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt, and I dunno WHUT happend ... I had a littul nip and my pane meds, and I was kinda dreemin' of Daisy Mae and that spicey vixin Rosie, and I musta not bin paying attenshun .... and I tipped over the hole batch neer the frunt porch, wich yoo mite say, cawzd qwite a stink. It made the howse smell bad, too. Reel bad. The peepul were talking abowt spending the nite in a hotell and the wite rat was running thru the howse skreeming that a skunk got electorkyoooted --- wich is ixzaktly whut it smelld like, only stronger. Forchewnitly, nobuddy kawt on to the fakt that me and Mao were up to sumthing.
So, if yoo placed an order with us reesintly, it mite be delayed until we can catch enuf skunk farts to make anuther batch. THE END --- RtGC
I *heard about this little accident! Here's hoping everything smells a little nicer now!
Is dat wut happend. I camed to visit, but cuz of the primo nip and the fakt dat I had my bed with me, I fell asleep afore I effun tolded yoo I wuz der. Next fing I know I'm waking up at home an I can still smell sumfing horribul. It wint away pritty quick, but I hadda sleep off da nip fur hours.
So that's what really happened. The Vishus Deer Repellent must be really powerful stuff. Better luck with the next batch.
Skeezix thawt he was going to kroak when yer "industreeyul aksident" happuned last nite. It's a gud thing skeezixs nose isnt as big as his ears or else he'd reely be in trubble.
The one gud thing abowt this stinkie problum is that yoo wont have to deel with any vishus deer on yer front porch.
ah. so the seckrit is skunk poots? interesting
Krap, Rocky, YER NOT SUPOST TO TELL WHUT'S IN THE REPELUNT!!!!! It's a SEKRIT formyulayshun that we submittid for a paten! Yoo are such a nip-hed LOOOOZER! I can't beeleeve I was stoopid enuf to git yoo as a partner...
OK....so how do you stuff skunk farts in a can?
Sound like maobert is a bit upset with you. Well, don't worry, you know how to get the farts in the can and that takes some doing!!
No weries abowt yer secret ingreediunt. We knew what is was the minite we got owr repellunt. It's vary stinkie and vary effectuve.
Oh gosh. Careful with that stuff Rocky!
hey be careful about that indurteeyul aksident!! And hey, wanna know more about black cats. check this out...
Rocky ... It was REALLY windy last night and I think a whiff or two of Mao and Rocky's Vishus Deer Repellunt got all the way down to San Diego ... When Mom came home from shoppin' and she opened the front door ... wheewwwww(!), what a stench! I could have sworn that the Tijuana River overflowed again! If you had an industrial accident, that would explain why the house smelled like when Cocoa Puff has chili. Yuck.
DaisyMae Maus
Oh, I like it when you daydream about me, Rocky ... Meow, meow!
Doncha haf to be keerfull that the cans don't ixplode if'n theer stuffed full of skunk farts?
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