Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It was a good nite

The food lady and man spent a long time last nite out by the gutter with me. They got a new contrapshun called the Celestron SkyScout that they yooze win they do that thing ware they look strate up in the air. I don't know why they do that, but they were pritty enthrawlled. They took turns, and hooever wasn't looking thru the gizmo held me on their sholder and skratcht me behind my neck like I reely love. Then they sat with me in the gutter and talked to me abowt stuff. I can't remember whut, but it was nice. Win the clowds came they wint bak in the howse and I spent the rest of the nite in the gutter. THE END --- RtGC


The Meezers or Billy said...

it shur does sound like a good night. cuddles and a talk.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

What an awesum nite, Rocky. Yoo had some vary nice visiturs at yer home.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Now that pluto's not a planit do yoo think it wuld show up in yer peeples new toy?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

gosh rocky, that sounds lik a gud nite! My mommy hafs a questshon, is that catmint stuff in-vay-sev like the nip? She had nip da garden at da old hous an it taked ofer evryting. My sisfur sawed the jeep dat Skeezix has and now she wants one! I dossen kno y acuz she goes outside on a leash and dossen need no jeep.
Speedy the boy cat

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

R&C -- YES! It duz!

I remembur becuz the lady has bin very upset abowt Pluto, and wuz wundering exaktly the same thing, and they looked into thare masheen, and Pluto was in thare under planits and like majik it pointed them to ware Pluto was in the sky (frankly, I coodn't see it), and the masheen sed that Pluto's planit status was under heeted deebate or sumthing, and and the food man sed they needed to update the masheen, and the lady sed they shood never update it and just pretend like Pluto's still a planit. Sumtimes, it's like she gits into my catnip or sumthing, she's a littul goofy.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Speedy the Boy Cat ---

I don't think the catmint is TOO invaysev. They cut it bak in the winter time (that's the cold part of the yeer) and then it grows bak abowt the same size. It's a grate place to go and halloosinate.