It's time to gess win I will post my 200th blog post. And I mite not have any kontrol over it cuz Tripper mite hijak my blog for his own deemented perposes. Pleeze reed all the roolz carefully, cuz thare a littul bit diffrint than in the past:
- This time arownd, the one hoo gesses closest BEEFORE THE DATE/TIME OF THE WINNING POST PASSES wins. I know it's confyoozing, so I'll give yoo an ixzample.... if the winning post is on August 31st at 11:51 pm and the two closest gesses were August 31st at 8am and September 10th at 8am, the winner is the Sept 10th gess. So, once the date/time of yer gess has passed, yer owt of the running if the winning post has not yet bin posted.
- Only cats with blogs or Catster IDs are elijibul. In addishun, Titus the dawg and Fiona Bun can enter, and the Poi rats, too, cuz Ratatooey was a good moovey.
- Only one gess per HOWSEHOLD. So yoo all will need to come to sum agreement and enter just one gess. If yoo try and enter more than one gess per howsehold, all of yer howsehold's entreez will be disqwalifide.
- Only gesses entered in the comments feeld of this post are elijibul.
- TRIPPER IS NOT ELIGIBUL. Neether is Skeeze or Mao.
- It's my kontest, so I can change the roolz anytime I wunt (thanks, Skeezix!).
- Once yoo gess, yoo cannot change yer gess.
- If there is a tie, the gess wich was submitted the erliest wins.
- If yoo do not enter am or pm, it will deefalt to am.
- Submit a gess in the comments feeld of this post in the following format:
DATE TIMEam/pm NAME [link to yer blog or Catster ID]
For exzampul:
August 4th 10am Maobert Schnickles (http://www.maobert.com/)
September 5th 3:21pm Tripper (http://www.catster.com/cats/323545)
As yoo all know, we're rite smak in the middul of Vishus Deer Seezin. So the prize pakije will offer sum things that will help all of yoo get thru this terryfying time of the yeer in one peese:
1) A can of the patent-pending Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt


4) A NO VISHUS DEER bumper stikker says "GO AWAY, VISHUS DEER! I've got Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt and I'm not afrade to use it!"


5) Yer choice of A Whirlybird Cat Exercise toy* OR if yoo alreddy have one, reeplacemint berdies for yer Whirlybird (hoo duzn't go thru thoze like a bowl of Fish Flakes?)

6) A Nipapalooza! A cullekshun of primo nip and nip parafenalyuh.
This is not the kontest of the milleniyum, but it's still pritty darned good!
* Can't ship outside the U.S. If non-US rezidint wins, will substitoot sumthing of eqwal or grater valyoo.
August 3rd, 11:00 PM
Hi Rocky, big strong mancat. We sat down and came to an agreent on da date. Akshooally, Zippy sed she din't haf a clue and Speedy just caved on his gess when I razed a paw to him-hehehe so here is our guess...
August 2nd at 9:20 pm
Now, how about I come over and give you a snuggle...~Sadie
August 17, 7:11am
Sexy Sadie, Spicy Vixin in Training
We guess August 11th @ 10:25 PM
August 14th, at 11:00 PM
Caesar and Princess
Pixie and I are going to guess August 10th at 11:00 PM.
Good luck everybody!
Titus, Tazo, & I are going to guess August 8 at 1:34 pm.
Earl Grey
August 10th at 9:00 PM.
Kaze, Latte, & Chase
August 9th at 10:12pm
(Boy, you should have seen the rassling that went on to decide that. Maybe they're all sisfurs of mine, but they can be FIERCE!)
your bud Pepi
and his fierce sisfurs Sanjee, Boni, Mini, and Gree
August 7th, 12pm
Sammy and I guess Augst 8 at 9pm
Your buddy - Miles Meezer
Congratulations Rocky on your soon to be 200th post. That's a lot of typing. I have a question. If Tripper hyjacks your blog agian, does that count towards the number? I'm new around here sorta, where do you find out what number post this one is?
Those are very very nice prizes. Here in South San Jose, they're going to be killing off deer with bows and arrows. I read it in the newspaper
. I think that would be a horrible way to die. I sure wish I could give those people your repellant, then maybe the deer would go to where they're suppose to without any spillage of blood, even if it is vishus deer blood.
Thanks Rocky,
WOWY - this is a sooper dooper contest - and da prizes are ever soopererer!
We guess August 5th at 11:32 pm!
August 8, 2:00 p.m.
August 13 at 1:13 pm.
We love a contest, so we enter.
But we do not understand the prices...
We have deer here in the desert too and we love watching them.
Why do you cats all think they are "vishus"? We think they are majestic...
Can someone explain it to us???
August 4th at 11:35 a.m. is what I'm choosing--at least that's what that Gypsy cat told me frrrom the Cat Rrrealm's side barrr. I did have to give herrr all my catnip though--is that a prrroblem?
August 13th, 10:30 PM
Parker and family
August 12,2007 1:30pm http://www.catster.com/cats/229389 We luv yer contests. We hope to be able to enter more. CaliMay
mi brudder mickey an i ar gessin da followin:
august 21st at 12:01 pm PDT
in da case uvva tie ... will da prize be a tie?
jus wunderin.
Okay ...
The Feline Americans and I are gonna guess August 19th, 2007 at 8:04:23 AM.
We've gotta win 'cuz Mom's gonna go on vacation to some red wood someplace an' we heard that the red wood place was lousy with vishus deer. She needs repellant AN' one of those stickers to protect the black masheen from attacks!
We're keepin' our paws crossed to win!
DMM and Feline Americans
Hey Rocky, you have a really cool blog. I just heard about you over at Skeezix's blog. He has a link to your contest. For the contest, I'm gonna pull a Price is Right on Ali & Fiona and guess 10:26pm on August 11th. Heehee. Come and see me sometime at my blog.
Macaroni, #295976, says your 200th post, will be August 13, 9:35AM, PDT.
we guesses 8 august at 12:00 noon, 'cause that's our dad's birthday time!
Congratulations on 200th post~!
I think I just giving you my wishes~! Because I am confused with your timeline~!
Aug. 9 at 11:25 pm PST Thank you.
I guess August 11th at 9:30 a.m.
This is a great idea, I am going to suggest:
August 3rd at 10:05 PM
Faz the Cat
Ooooh, I am really nervous now - who will win ... FAZ
August 8, 10:30 p.m.
Bitey, Lucy and Stevie
We guess August 18 at 10:00 am.
Moped and Furry
The Morning Scratch staff guesses August 16 at 9 a.m.
August 18 at 8:00 AM
Kellie the Orange Cat
Our guess is August 15 @ 10:31.
Ooops, we furrgot to put PM.
August 15th at 10:31 PM
we guesses 8 august at 12:00 noon, 'cause that's our dad's birthday time! (we already submitted that, but fergot to put our http, so here it is:)
We are gonna guess it happens on yer 200th post! But maybe that will happen on August 15th at 7:30 dark!
Skeeter and LC
12 August at 2:26 PM
Thanks Rocky! We love your contests!
August 3rd 2007 9.45 pm.
Hmmm, considering all of the nip and fish flakes you seem to consume I bet it will be a long time before you get around to writing your 200th post. I'll say sometime on August 18th probably after last call.
August 18, 3:20AM
We almost forgot to enter since Mom has been such a ditz lately. We were going to have a big fight to decide on just ONE date, but Mom overruled that. We're going to go with Bathsheba's birthday since she'll be the same as a you, Rocky:
August 12 at 3 p.m.
Congratulations on #200, Rocky!
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