Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'd like to make an importunt annownsemint.
I have deesided to live the rest of my life as an inside cat. So my gutter is up for grabs. If yoo wunt to rent it, let me know. If any of yoo Spicy Vixins are comin' by to hang with me, look up and I'll be on the balkoney above the garaje. I have a better view frum thare.
Just thot yoo'd like to know.
I have deesided to live the rest of my life as an inside cat. So my gutter is up for grabs. If yoo wunt to rent it, let me know. If any of yoo Spicy Vixins are comin' by to hang with me, look up and I'll be on the balkoney above the garaje. I have a better view frum thare.
Just thot yoo'd like to know.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Tripper on Toozday

Gee THANKS ROCKY!!!! WHY CAN'T I HAVE MY OWN BLOG???? As yoo can see, I have grate fotos I can put up, and I'm looking espeshully big man catly espeshully waring the grate New York Yankeez cap that Jeter Harris gave me and maybe nows the time to point owt that I DO NOT USE STAREOIDS like that CHEETER BARRY BONDS I'm just big natcherully and let me just say, thare's a lotta me to love PARKER ARE YOO PAYING ATTENSHUN???? WATE I THINK I JUST SAW A MOTH..... GOT IT!!!! And yoo woodn't beeleeve whut a FREEK that littul wite Cat is he spended the hole day LIKKING A MAGNIT! I think Jeter Harris is my vary best frend in the entire werld. He's grate. LIFE IS GRATE. Wate, I think thare's more oh yeah: LAFFIN AN LAFFIN! See? I can blog! I shood have my own blog.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I herted my paw

Monday, June 18, 2007
Tuxie Toozday
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My Pal Babe

In this pikcher, my frend Babe has joined me. Babe is NOT a spicy vixin. He's not even a spicy dood. He's just a blob. He beelongs to the man's mom. Sumtimes Babe comes and hangs with me just to hang with the cool crowd. Sumtimes I'll wake up frum a nap and think maybe I'm lookin' at Sadie's bak end, but no, it's just a babe butt. I try to be nice to Babe cuz he used to be a ferul cat. At leest he's not psyko like that stoopid Tripper.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Feets on Friday
Rocky's Male Bag
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
MadCat Munday

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Update on my cundishun
I'm holding steddy. I have a bit of a kold, wich has me sneezing kind of a lot, wich werries the peepul, and in tern, werries me becuz it offin meens I'll git shuvd into the prizzin box and taken to the torcher place. So the peepul are watching me closely to see if I git werse -- I git so freekt win they take me to the torcher place that they try not to take me thare unless it's absolootly nessessary.
In the meentime, I'm trying to trak Mao down so he'll come bak and manaje the interns. I can't run the hole bizness by myself, yoo know! Mao's alwayz sayin, "I'm an idea man -- the big pikcher guy. Yoo werk owt the deetales." Sownded good at the time, but reeely, it just meens that he duzn't do any of the werk. Maybe I'll save up my munneys to buy him owt.
Heer is a pikcher of the interns last nite. As yoo can see, thare vary entooziastik but not vary disiplind.
In the meentime, I'm trying to trak Mao down so he'll come bak and manaje the interns. I can't run the hole bizness by myself, yoo know! Mao's alwayz sayin, "I'm an idea man -- the big pikcher guy. Yoo werk owt the deetales." Sownded good at the time, but reeely, it just meens that he duzn't do any of the werk. Maybe I'll save up my munneys to buy him owt.
Heer is a pikcher of the interns last nite. As yoo can see, thare vary entooziastik but not vary disiplind.

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