Whoa! Since yur looking at yur belly you can see yurself how it looks. We don't fink it's reely wide, it's just the scrunched way yur sitting. Don't let em put yoo on a diet or anyfing bad like dat.
From one Rocky to another!: I just dropped in to let you know before it goes up on the Cat Blogosphere that we're having a special benefit for Mu Shue Pooh King Cat so he can go to the V.E.T. and get well. C'mon over any time!
Whoa! Since yur looking at yur belly you can see yurself how it looks. We don't fink it's reely wide, it's just the scrunched way yur sitting. Don't let em put yoo on a diet or anyfing bad like dat.
Those Planche a Griffe's are very useful for all sort os activities....even tummy maintenance
I haf one of doze too! Rocky, yoor giffing me urjes. Dang, I need sum nip...~Sadie
I love cardboard scratchers, they feel really nice on my toes. You have a very nice belly there my friend!
Une planche a griffe? C'est l'accessoire ideal!
Fabulous foto!
(and Daisy speaks French!)
Great photo! Meowm thinks you have a cute tummy!
Cleaning up for the girls?
From one Rocky to another!: I just dropped in to let you know before it goes up on the Cat Blogosphere that we're having a special benefit for Mu Shue Pooh King Cat so he can go to the V.E.T. and get well. C'mon over any time!
(The other) Rocky
ArtsyCatsy CEO
Methinks yor Rocky the "Gut"ter cat! Wundurful tummy!
Heehee, hee, hahaha, hhhaaahahahahahahahahahahaa *gasp* you are so funny Rocky ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
Evary othur picktur of yoo is showing off yer fueltank full of luv (aka, tunawatur belly). Hmmmmm, yoo like to hang owt on yer back, Rocky!!
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