Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tuxie Toozday

Monday, February 26, 2007
Hot Mama Monday

I tried to find an email address for Rocky, but I couldn't locate it. Could you please show Rocky my photo?Let me say agin that Halloween is ONE HOT MAMA and I can't wate to share my primo stash with her.
I am 15 years old. I like a man cat in a tux. I am named for the most important day of the year in San Francisco: Halloween. But I got this name because of the colors of my coat: black and orange. I was the runt (just like you, Skeez!) of a feral litter. I showed up in my human bean's back yard soon after I was born with my brothers and sisters. When my mom wouldn't feed me, my person took me in and gave me a nice place to live.
Tell Rocky that I sometimes try to stay outside because I liked it when I was a kitten. But I always come back in at night or when it gets too cold or rainy. I get very mad at my people when it rains and tell them to turn the outside faucet off in the clouds but they do not listen to me. Does Rocky ever get annoyed like this? I like climbing the big incense cedar tree in my back yard. I can do a few circus tricks on it.
Anyway, pass my photo along to Rocky & please and tell him I love nip if he wants to share!
PS Now that I have a photo to share, I'll see if I can get my person to set up a blog for me!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Bonnie's Meme
A) Four places I have lived:
San Fransisko
Castro Valley
B) Four things I love to watch:
Monster Truk ralleys
Belching Kontests
Stuff I can see frum the gutter
C) Four places I have been outside my home:
Flower bed
Mulch (ware I krap)
Bullevard Pet Hospitul
D) Four websites I visit daily:
The Spicy Vixins forum on FOS
DaisyMae Maus' Blog
Sadie's Blog
Da grate Jeter Harris' Blog
E) Four of my favorite foods:
Dry krap
Fancy Feast Turkey in the green can
Raw hambooger
F) Four places I would rather be right now:
On my bench
An aviary
At Smitty's
In the arms of a spicy vixin
G) Four toys I have owned and played with:
The string
Felt tuffy mowse
Tunnel box
H) Four nicknames my staff have tried to assign me:
The Rockster
Rocky Raccoon
I) Regarding Catnip:
Love it
It's nice
Could take it or leave it
Don't like it or can't have it
Answer: Love it -- as long as it's primo, and not skank weed that yoo woodn't try to pass off onto a three yeer old.
J) Regarding Cat Grass:
Love it
It's nice
Could take it or leave it
Don't like it or can't have it
Answer: Nun of the above. It's stoopid -- unless I find it in the wild
K) First four things I'd buy after winning the lottery:
A sqwillion planche a griffes
L) Four things I do besides eat, sleep, and litterbox:
Spend time with my frends at the Caveman Crib
Poze for pikchers wile I'm sleeping
Bug the peeple at Rozerem abowt being in one of thare commershuls
M) Four things I want to do this summer:
I'm a geezer. I don't plan that far ahed.
N) My four most prized possessions that have limited value to anyone else:
My tunnel box
My planche a griffe
My bench
My tunnel box
O) What I’m going to do before tomorrow is over:
Sleep 23 howrs
Chek owt a few blogs
Shop for more Viagra on the innernet
P) Which of the following is your favorite place to hide and play?
Paper bags
Plastic bags
Anser: Boxes. Thare good for peein' in, too.
Q) Four other "pets" your staff have kept with you:
That psyko stray cat Trip
The blak cat hoo sleeps in the garage
R) Four furiends I tag to respond:
DaisyMae Maus
Jeter Harris
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Widebody Wenzday
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Mopey Munday

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Widebody Wenzday
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tuxie Tummy Toozday
Skeezie's bin serfing porn ... or has he?