Friday, February 29, 2008

Give Sadie yer support

My look-alike faverite spicy vixin, Sadie got told by the stoopid vet guy that she's a porker and needs to looze wate. Evrybuddy noze that's just a lame excyoose the vet mans use to make peepul buy ixpensive diet food wich tastes like cardbord and makes us looze owr wills to live. Ferst of all, Sadie is dammd HOT. No matter how much she ways. Secund of all, my furchin almost drags the grownd and withowt the extra powndidje, I'd look like Skeezix, hoo is a greate littul guy and all that, but he looks like a skellytun he's so skinney. He duzn't have any luv handuls to hold onto win yer having sexy times. Not that I've looked at him in that way. But yoo just can't git good cuddling in with a rat-bodied cat. Sadie is a good snuggler. I think I mite rite her vet a letter.

If yoo have a minit, cood yoo drop by and tell Sadie yoo think she's hot just the way she is? I think that wood cheer her up. THE END --- RtGC


Daisy said...

Rocky, you are a very good Mancat to give Sadie your support. I think she is beautiful just the way she is, too.

But you made a little mistake. Skeezix does not look like a skeleton. How come you cannot see his big muscles? I think you could need glasses. Or bifocals.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Rocky, yoo are a good mancat and a sooper frend. Sadie will apreesheate this, when she comes out from behind the couch...Speedy

Rosie & Cheeto said...

What a RUDE man-purson to call a gurl chubby!!! V-e-t or not, that's not nice. -rosie

I agree with yer asessmunt, rocky, sadies HOT not fat. I'll go tell hur eggsaklie that rite now! -Cheeto

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Good advice, Rocky ... An' that diet food DOES taste like cardboard. Yuck. That v-e-t needs to get a grip.

Tyler said...

Rocky, I agree with Daisy, that's very sweet of you to write that entry.

Parker said...

We gave Sadie our support Rocky. It was very nice of you to come to her defense!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are a very sweet mancat Rocky!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

we will definately do that Rocky ~the FLuffy TRibe