Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thinkin' of Gizzy

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Man, now I know why Mao calls the wite rat a wite rat ... becuz he's a RAT FINK! We were just havin' a littul fun with him and had evry intenshun of giving him bak his stoopid sissy stuff evenchully (well, maybe not the nip that was in them Easter eggs cuz we made qwik werk of that), but he ratted us owt to the peepul and now we're in bad trubbul. And DMM and Sadie are mad at me for JUST HAVIN' A LITTUL FUN. I hope Halloween will come over and cuddle me, cuz I cood use sum luvvin. THE END -- RtGC
Sunday, April 08, 2007
SCORE! Part 2

Anyway, wile Mao played the lookowt, I got to Skeezix's Easter baskit and I opened up all the eggs and me and Mao took whut was inside. Stuff like nip and toys and Temptayshuns --- reely good stuff --- inclooding some stuff frum his best frends Dutchess and Gordy! And then we put the eggs bak together agin, and the wite rat never new the difrinse. He just thot it was a fun egg hunt. We do this evry yeer. He's a littul slow -- he hasn't cot on yet!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
No, not a baseball refrinse. Me and Mao have figyerd owt how to go thru the stuff the guy in the bloo shorts leeves evry day, and find the stuff adrest to the wite rat and konfiskate it. Like today. Gold mine. The wite rat's frends Boogers, Fido and Honda sent him a pawsome catnip pillow that was fild with primo stuff. Me and Mao inspekted that littul item until, qwite frankly, it was history. (If yooda smelt it, yoo wood have dun ixzaktly the same thing... it was sweet!) And thare was a Eester card frum that gerl Daisy for him. We're still trying to figyer owt whut to do with that! Maybe rite sumthing like, "Deer Skeezix, yer vary nice, but I want to be that big ManCat Rocky's spicy vixin." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is vary fun.
Butt Caps
Monday, April 02, 2007
No news is no news
I haven't bin blogging much becuz not a lots bin happenin. I got in trubble for peein on the bathroom floor. HELLO???? It's the BATHROOM! So I blew chunks in the power strip. That wuzn't reel popyuler with the peepul eether. So, I'm just trying to chill and stay outta trubble. THE END --- RtGC
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