I kinda wint wild with the nip tonite and jumped on top of my tunnel box, and win I did, it IXPLODED!!!! I'm lukky I wasn't killd! Heer are the reemanes. Forchewnitly, the nip evvydinse was deestroyd too, so I won't git in trubbul with the awthoriteez. I'm bummd becuz I reely loved my tunnel box.
Oh Rocky! You shouldn't have played so hard in the tunnel box, you know it wasn't stable! I'm very disappointed, because I haven't been able to invent a tunnel box that won't break yet.
ps: Is that your tunnel box, or Skeezix's tunnel box?
Um, I thot yoo gave da tunnel boks back to Skeezix? Did he give it back to yoo as a show of jenurosity? Either way, it's trash now! We got two new big bokses, come on over and we'll do some nip and see if we can brake dem...~Sadie
Rocky, that 'nip does crazy things to kitties. I'm sorry your tunnel box collapsed. That is very bad news. Wait a second... wasn't that Skeezix's tunnel box?
rocky! If you aren't careful, you won't get anymore tunnel boxes!
Hmmm ... I see that you'd still not surrendered the tunnel box and given it back to Skeezix. I hate to say it, but it serves you right. Now perhaps Mr. TF will do some repairs so that Skeezix can once again enjoy his tunnelbox ... Perhaps seeing that the tunnel box collapsed after your 'nip-fest will inform you of two things: 'Nip impairs your judgment and you're in need of a diet there RockyRoad ... uh, I mean Rocky the Gutter Cat.
Spicy and svelte,
we seem to recall a certain March 1st post called "Skeezix got his tunnelbox bak"...
Maybe your tunnelbox can be repaired....Reinforcements should do the trick!
Hi Rocky. Please try to keep your tunnel box in one piece! I want to come over and examine the inside with you - after nip, of course!
I saw how you posted my pic! You made me blush. Thanks for the nice things you said, and hello to the other cats who were so nice too.
Your harem cat,
YOUR tunnel box? Hmm. Some of your spicy vixens are disappointed with your bullying little Skeezix over the tunnel box. You've got the whole gutter, primo nip, and all your vixens. Why would you need a tunnel box too?
~Bathsheba the Spicy Vixen
HAHAHAHA, I bet yer lil bro, Skeez, is going crazie wonduring what he's going to do withowt the tunnul box. Yull just have to get sumthing new to host Sadie and the rest of the spicy vixens in!!
Grate job getting owt of the box befour yoo ixploded it! Yer one wild, danjurous, living on the edge guttur cat!
Hey...dat looks like a "Scratch-O-Rama" NIP-infused play mat in yer (formerly Skeezix's) tunnel box! The city of Catstro valley will now red-tag yer box!
You are furry lucky you werent killed Rocky. Unfortunately you need a new tunnel ~Merlin, shadow, KoKO
Hey Rocky, I break things, too! It must be a Rocky thing. This weekend I broke my human's toe joint. She said why can't I be like you and just break a tunnel box!
Sorry about your tunnel box. I remember you sitting in it before.
Rocky...are you sure Skeezix isn't off in the corner crying? I mean, that was kind of uncool to do to the box since he loved it so much. I'm just saying...
Oh, Rocky it's a good thing the evidence of 'nip use was destroyed! Did you see what happened to me?!? Over the weekend I got busteded for 'nip related offences and fanged robbery!
Oh dear. That nip is some wild stuff. I can't tell you how glad I am (sometimes) that I am an only kitty. If I break a box I don't have to worry if it was mine or not. Everything is mine! Sorry about your cool tunnel box. Mommy bought me a cool tunnel at Target for pretty cheap.
We didn't see it online or we would've put the link to it, but it is plastic (pretty durable) and mommy thinks it was either $10-$15. This way you and Skeezix can have your own cool tunnels.
PS I'm sorry your tunnel box broke. You must've been bummed when you came down...
Oh, dear. That tunnel box has certainly been through a lot lately. Mr. TF certainly has his work cut out for him this time. Don't let Skeezix see the remains. He would get very upset and we don't want him to cry, do we?
Hey Rocky, da nip is starting to come up in da back yard! I can't wait, should be a good crop this year! Stop by and I'll show you where it is, just be prepared cuz da silly woofie in da yard ahind us barks when we'z down there. Mom asked him whut hiz prollem wuz and he shut up, so I think he wuz looking fur attenshun.~Sadie
Rocky: I TAGGED you at my bloggie. Stop by ...
Celia, if I've told yoo wunse, I've told yoo a thowsand times ... don't leeve messijes abowt whut we do in the gutter on my blog. It'll git me in trubble with the awthoriteez, and it gits DaisyMae and Sadie and Halloween jellus.
We don't need bongs WE HAVE NIP~Sadie
Hi rocky I taged yu for the meme 5 reson why you blog
Your catnip buddy mu shue ( do you have any of that promo nip left ?
Rocky? Where are yoo dood? Bean got yoor tung? Get it, like dey say "cat got yoor tung" only cuz I'm a cat I sed...never mind, Speedy just sed I'm not furry funny. Talk to us dood!~Sadie
Purr and headbutt your Mom till she buys you a new tunnel!
Hey, Rocky, are you still out there?
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