Sunday, March 18, 2007
Phewie! Whut a St Patriks Day!
We sellubrated hard last nite for St Patrik's Day. I pincht all the gerls and Trip was with me ... we did a lot of my primo nip and ate a ton of greenies... it was GRATE! We dansed a danse called a jig wich makes yoo lite-hedded vary fast, espeshully after a lot of nip. Trip got blotto. I wasn't much better, but I dragged myself upstares, peed on the brand noo box that Rosie and Cheeto sent to the wite rat, and crawld into my tunnel box to sleep it off. Geezers can party just as hard as yoo yung-uns!!! Woot!

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Oh no! I though you gave Skeezix his tunnel box back!?
Oh poor Skeezix :-( he must have been really sad ::whimpers::
You peed, and then were pooped? Huh?
*Your tunnel box???
Wait, yoo peed in Skeezix new boks den went to sleep in "yoor" tunnel boks? Rocky! Yoo steal one frum da littul guy and den ruin da other one for him, what's yoor problem wif leeving just one boks for Skeezix. *sigh* I'm just soooo disapoynted.~Sadie
Rocky, I am all for you partying and having fun, but I am AGAINST you peeing in the brand new box which is for Skeezix. That was a bad mistake you made. You might need to go tell Skeezix that you are very sorry. I am sure he will forgive you.
But, I am glad that you had a good time.
Ack, I'm so upset it took 3 tries to get da post rite. 'kay, it may haf sumthing to do wif our wild weekend, but I'm still upset. I'm going back to bed!~Sadie
Even I think you're overdoin' it a little with the 'nip, Man. Don't be dissing Skeezix.
Dude, you are my hero, for a cat, that is
-Lando Bun
Rocky...if yoo just peed in the noo box because yoo felt like it we'd be upset...but since yoo were dizzy frum the primo nip we undurstand!
What a grate holiday weekend to surve as an eggscuse to get crazy with the primo nip!
Rocky ... I cannot believe that you stole Skeezix's tunnel box and then PEED on the new box from Rosie and Cheeto! HOW RUDE! And, to cap it, you were pinchin' other girls? Humnph ...
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