Heer I am with the man before the torcher session. I'm akting reel calm so that win thare deefenses are down, I'll begin my patented shock-n-claw campaign to ensure that anywun hoo tuches me gets the bitey and a paw-wippin'.
In the next pikcher, yoo'll see what wuz goin' on before my attak. Thare was blud sperting everyware!!! It was neet.

Then I had to go back a few days later so thay cood pull owt sum of my teeths.
Heer is my status:
Except for a tooth infekshun and a high blud cownt frum that infekshun, I have the bludwerk of a 15-yr-old. That's rite ladeez, I've still got it!
But, my wate is down to 5 pownds and I've lost all my mussel mass. I eat like a Big mancat, but no matter how much I eet I don't gane wate.
So that's my status. I'm doing better than expekted. Wich, at my age, is pritty good newz.
Rocky, way to pass a test! Glad you are still givin' 'em a hard time when it counts!
Rocky, we hope you are feeling better. WE know bad teeth will turn you off food.
dude!! we's so VERY VERY PROUD of you!! an' we bets you starts eatin' better when yer mouf ain't ouchie ennymore . . .
Rocky, we're sorry they stole your teefs, but we hope you feel better now.
way to go Rocky!!!!
Awesomeness. Except the 5 pounds. I'm like 3.4 times your size, doood. But I bet you could still kick my ass...
oh, rocky!! dude, after last week's good report, we hopes this new trip is for just a minor setback!!
tell the food lady that lonnnnnnnng massages helps when yer hind end is creaky, an' ramps an' steps make it easier to get up to the best sleepin' places!! hang tuff, handsome!
Wow, da bloods of a 15 year old. When yoor almost 20 dat is good. Sadie sez if yoo need her to she will come over and chew da food fur yoo afore yoo eat dem, or anything yoo need.
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