Well, innernets, it's bin grate, it reely has. But da last cupple of weeks I've been a littul off my game, and today I decided to hed over to da Bridge.
It wuz not an eezy decizhun, and I'll miss my vixins, but the time had come, and I wuz reddy to get on to faze 2.
I was with the ladey win I wint. I just wint to sleep and didn't wake up. I know it made her eyes git all watery, but it was better than if she'd had to take me into the torcher place one more time. Neether one of us wunted that.
And, I gave them a gift that will keep on giving. I had cooties. And I shared it with the peepul so they'd remember even after I'm gone. Thare both all covered in kreem now and washing every single thing they own, inklooding thare manparts and ladyparts, and da other 3 cats had to go to the torcher place to git cooty-killing medisins. I'm sorry my bud Trip had to do that, but I wuz reely happy that Mao had to go. Man, I won't miss him yellin' all the time. He wood never shut his piehole. It reely got on my nervs. Anyway, yoo mite say I had da last laff. That felt good.
I do wunt to give a speshul thank yoo to Shabby and Katie Tulip and Angel Kalin fur da nice Susan Faye pikcher they had painted fur da wite rat on his berthday. It's one of da only pikchers we have of da hole famly together, and I know the peepul trezhure it.
I have been looking forwerd to meeting up some of my frends and vixins hoo are alreddy at da Bridge like Halloween and Bathsheba and the mancats, too, but espeshully Joonyer, my bestest frend in the yooniverse. I like havin doods I can hang with and burp and belch and fart and watch NASCAR and wrasslin and stuff. Joonyer tawt me how to wrassle. I have mist him a lot. I got deeprest win he wint to the Bridge.
I will miss my gutter, and the flower bed next to the driveway ware I cood sit in the sun. I will miss drinkin owt of da swimmin pool evry morning. I will miss my speshul vixin DMM, and my twin vixin, Sadie, and all the other gerlcats hoo think I'm hot (hey, take a number, laydeez). I'll miss the man, cuz we were buddies. He was grate. I won't miss Mao cuz he wuz a pane, but I will miss Tripper hoo wuz my best frend after Joonyer. Tripper was weird cuz he was always kissin me, but we had whut yoo wood call an understanding. Trip had my bak.
So, I won't be bloggin' any more. I'll miss that, but thare's lots to do at the Bridge, and my parts don't hert anymore, wich is nice. And I promiss, evry nite I'll look down to Sandy Eggo, and wave to da best vixin anywun ever had, DMM. She is spunky, and I'll never furget her.
Thank yoo all fur following my advenchers on my blog. It's bin giggles.

Ohhh nooo, we are all so very leaky eyed that Rocky had to run off to the Bridge. We are sending our most heartfelt purrayers to all of you to help you through this sad time ...
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Rocky, we are so very sad you had to go to the bridge. We're sending comforting hugs and purrs to your family and your spicy vixens. You are really going to be missed.
We are very sad to hear about Rocky. Huggs and Purrs to you all.
Rocky, we are so sorry you have gone to the Bridge. We'll miss you. But we hope you're having fun there.
We send comforting purrs to your family because we know they are missing you lots.
O, Rocky, it's just not gonna be tha same wifout you.
We's all gotted leaky eyes.
An we's sending lots of purrs and hugs and love to help yours fambly thru them's heartbreak.
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Brutus Jr.
Mom ML
oh Rocky, our the mom is leaking all over the place. We knows how much fun you will haf wif Joonior at the Bridge. We cannot wait to meet you one day there.............
WE are so sorry that Rocky had to go to the bridge. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers and tons of hugs. We know it is a sad day for everyone. Take care.
Oh we are so very sad that Rocky had to go to the Bridge. We know that he is happy and healthy again there, but how very sad for his fambly that he left behind.
Our newest foster, Rico, looks a lot like Rocky. Rico is just a baby, but has the same goatee and a similar nose swoosh. We will think of Rocky whenever we see little Rico.
We are sending purrs to all of you, and will be thinking about you. Rocky's blog was one of our favorites.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, (& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)
Handsome Rocky, we will miss you terribly. We know you had one HUGE party waiting for you when you journeyed over the Bridge.
All of send our love to your family.
The Katnip Lounge Kats, Mom Trish and Daddy Scott.
We are very sorry that Rocky had to go to the Bridge. Thank you for loving him so much while he was here. We are sending comforting purrs and prayers to you all.
Oh Sweet Rocky, I hate it that you had to go, even though I didn't know you, just this brief visit here made me feel like we were pals. Purrs my friend.
We will miss you, Rocky. You were one of the best mancats I knew! In your honor I will pee on something I shouldn't pee on today. Thank you for sharing all of your adventures.
You were a ROCK... you're still a ROCK, always will be a ROCK...
rock solid fantasticat... charge on Rocky, take your humor and musings with you. You were one of the best...
Rocky, we gots leaky eyes here. We will miss you. We know your new adventure at the bridge will be wonderful. We are sending purrs to the Man and Lady to help ease their sorrow. You were loved by many.
rocky, we are so sorry yoo had to go to da bridge, we will miss yoo
Oh Rocky, we will miss you. Purrs to your family as I know they are crushed.
Rocky, you will be missed, but we hope you hook up with some of our Bridge Angels...
We're sorry you had to leave your family, Rocky. We send them lots of purrs and tail wags because we know they're missing you!
Bye bye Rocky, safe travels. And lots of purrs for those who are left behind. You will be missed.
We are so sorry you had to leave. We always enjoyed hearing your adventures and loved it when you have a for rent sign on your gutter. Hugs and purrs to the family
Karen, Pixel and Samba
Oh Rocky, so sorry you had to leave your family.
Sending LOVE to your Mom.
NTM, Spooker, Daphne, Chloe, Pete, Jack, Bella, and Little Isis
Farewell Rocky.
My little bunny heart is broken. Until we meet again. ~Fiona Bun
We saw our mom leaking and hadda know why...we'z gonna miss yoo big guy. Sadie has taken to her bed and looks kinda like she is crying. She loved haffing a twin and being yoor Vixen. She sez when she gets to da Bridge she's really gonna show yoo some love. Have a great time with Joonyer and alla the others dat came before.
Oh man, we're sorry to see you go, Rocky. You were a real Mancat's Mancat and we'll all miss you.
Say, if you see Puff, Mia, Shadow or my littermate sister Gracie up there at The Bridge, tell them we said "hi".
George & The Crew
Rocky, we're going to miss you Bud. Have a great time at The Bridge, and have fun with Joonyer and the others who went before.
Luf, Us and Maw
disturbin an sad ... i am sorry rocky had to go to da bridge. mi brudder mickey and yes, even matsui an joba, an mi mom an dad send u all owr luv.
yer bes frend--jh
We are so sorry Rocky has passed to the Bridge. And sorry we didn't get to know him. We're sending you all purrs and universal Light to ease your grief.
Blessings and Peace.
-Mom Kim and the fur kids at Fuzzy Tales
Aw man...doood, I'm ballin' my eyes out here and that's just not a manly thing to do. The Woman has snot running down her face and that's so not attractive. I mean, I know you lived a good long time and there are going to be wicked fun things to do at the Bridge, maybe even you'll get a sweet, sweet gutter, but I'm gonna miss you and your people are probably leaking even harder than the rest of us are combined.
It was an honor to know you, Sir Rocky. A true honor.
Oh, no..........we just heard the heartbreaking news! We are all so sorry, you will have a Rocky size hole in your heart. Our Momma has a Patches size hole in hers, that is how we know. I bet Rocky and Patches are playing with all the other Rainbow Bridge Kitties. RIP, sweet Rocky!
The Big Piney Woods Cats
Oh Rocky...We remember seeing you layin in the gutter and thinking what a ManCatoftheWorld you were and that you could teach us all a thing or two about life...
And you did! And your legacy will live on whenever we think...WWRD (what would Rocky do)...
Codspeed, Rock, Codspeed
Rocky, you had class an we'll all miss you furry much. Look out fur Bonnie at the bridge - she wanted to be a Spicy Vixon, but didn't wanna share you. We hope faze 2 goes twice as great as faze 1. Dude... do mancats get leaky eyed?
Purrs to yur family, who will miss ya lots,
Victor, Nina, & Tabbymom Jen
We are so sorry that you had to go to the Bridge, Rocky, even though you had such a long and fulfilling life. If you see Fat Eric at the Bridge, tell him we still love and miss him very much, just like your humans are missing you.
Purrs and comforting thoughts to all,
Kate and Dora
We are so sorry to hear about Rocky. We know he was a great guy and he is going to be missed. We're sending purrs to his family and we know Rocky will find a nice cool gutter to lay in at the bridge.
Thanks for sharing Rocky's life with us on the interwebs. We love you guys! xoxo
we share the CB's sadness in rocky's crossing the bridge. he was a true mancat of the werld. how he managed to keep all of his spicy vixens happy we will never know. we would venture to say that even james bond was envious of rocky and his mancatness. until we meet again.
kazoku neko
That is such sad news! Rocky, we wish you a safe passage, and we send comforting vibes and purrayers to your ladey.
We're so sorry you had to leave for the Bridge. We know Angel Sniffie will be happy to show you around. In the meantime, we'll send loud purrs to your family.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
See you Rocky - you was a good dude.
Dood that made the mom leak lots. Yoo has style and always will! Soar high big guy!!
Rocky~~we know you are teaching all those cats over the bridge a thing or two about having harems and taking care of spicy vixins. We are glad you are all better and don't hurt anymore.
Mr. TF, The FL, Skeezix, Tripper, Mao~We are so very sorry foryour loss. We are sending our bestest purrs and some gentle headbutts to help all of you feel better.
Junior, Orion and Meowm
Our dearest Rocky, we have been away too long from the internet and now we will miss you until that time again. We will be purring for your bros and for Mr. TL and the Food Lady.
~Your furriends, Casey, Donny and Marie
Oh Rocky!! We are so so so sad to hear that you went to the rainbow bridge. For your sake we are happy that you are reunited with Junior and that you get a whole new group of vixens to...errr, vixenate.
It's vary good to know that you are watching over your hyoomans from heaven just as they watched over you when you were here on earth chillin' in the gutter. You will be missed bro!
We will miss you Rocky. You were THE Mancat. We send our purrs to the FL and Mr.TF.
God Speed Rocky.
You were a mancat that any guy could look up to.
Princess told me all about you. she said that you and Caesar were the most handsome tuxies!
I am honoured to have known you for my three short years.
You are a great friend always and I just know that Caesar ws there at the bridge to welcome you to eternal paradise.
we are all praying for your heartbroken family.
always, Pierro, Miles and Rosemary
Me and my cat Charlie came over from the Cat Blogosphere because we heard you've gone to the Bridge. We wished we had known you earlier. You sounded like you loved life and lived it to the max! We hope you do so again at the Bridge!! Hugs and purrs to you and the family you leave behind.
Take care
This has to be the saddest day, Mum's eyes are leaking. We are so sad to see you go to the bridge, but we know that you felt it was time. It's nice that you had the choice.
We'll miss ya buddy,
I am so sorry to hear that it was your time to go to the Bridge. I wish you the very best and am sending comforting purrs to your mom.
We are sad to hear about Rocky.
We are sending you lots of purrs to comfort you.
The Bridge must be 'rockin' tonight ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We are going to miss you Rocky. You were a great man-cat, and we all looked up to you.
Cody and Gracie
oh, noes! oh, rocky, we will miss you so furry, furry much!!! but we are glad you lef fur the bridge from yer ladey's arms, not the torchur place. an' we are glad yer parts don't hurt no more, an' will get to cuddle wif joonyer again at last.
we sends lotsa comfortin' soft purrs an' gentle headbumps to efurryone there, an' has asked for extra loves from st gertrude for you all!
You Are A Good Cat.
We shall miss you Rocky!!! Purrrs and prayers to those you left behind!! Till We Meet Again Rocky at the Rainbow Bridge!! (((((HUGSSSSS)))) from your TX furiends,
You are off to the Bridge for more adventures,Rocky, sorry you couldn't stay longer.
Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike
Rocky, my mommie is just bawling right now. She hasn't done that in a long time. She really felt like she knew you, and she loved you. We thought that you were doing better after your last visit to the torcher place. Now you'll never again get wet in your gutter when Mr. Tinydik waters his lawn. I hope that you're able to find Bathsheba and your other spicy vixens.
Welcome Rocky, our dear friend. You had a great life and spread love and wisdom around the world.
Awww, dood. We're sorry ya had to go, but sounds like ya left some fun behind. We're sure you and Joonyer will be hangin' out and havin' some fun. We'll see ya on da other side some day.
I am very sorry to hear that your Rocky has gone to the bridge. Although I had not met him, I know that big cats with big personalities leave big holes in our lives when they go. I hope you can remember him with joy and offer my sincerest condolences to you at this very difficult time.
Oh, dear Rocky, Willow and I were so sad to hear that you ran off to the Bridge. We are sending over lots of soft purrs to your family who must be missing you dreadfully.
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Goodbye Rocky, you will be missed. We're sending hugs & purrs to your family. It's gotta be pretty hard on them & they'll be missing you like crazy.
I know I'll meet up with you again when it's my turn to cross the Bridge, but it's gonna be awfully hard without you here. You were a truly special ManCat an' I was proud to be your spiciest vixen. Mom said that I can name the new black masheen "the Spicy Vixen" in your honor. It's something, but it's not you ...
Smooches to you ... Until we meet once again.
Rocky, we are sad you had to go but we think you are awesome for leaving the gift of cooties behind, that was way cool. We send lots of luff and rumbly purrs to your family, we know they will never forget you and nor will wee
Fly free Rocky the Coolest Gutter Cat evah!
Whicky Wuudler
& The Ape
Oh my Rocky, I'm leaking so much I've got snot all over the keyboard. I loved you so much; even though we never met in the fur, I felt I knew you. You "spoke" to me somehow... Anyhoo old friend, have fun eternally. oxo oxo oxo
Oh Rocky...
You were one of my very first pals - how I will miss you. We feel so badly for your family, I cannot imagine how sad they must feel.
All of us in O Hi O are leaky eyed, we'll light a candle for you today.
Godspeed Rocky, we loved you.
Oh Rocky, we are going to miss you so much! I'll bet there is a great big party at the Bridge to welcome you there. If you see Pixie, maybe you can share a bananer with her.
Rocky, we will never forget you. Rest in peace.
We are sorry to hear about Rocky's going to the bridge. Your family has our deepest sympathy.
Rocky that was a lovely farwell. While we know it is hard on your family, we know you will have a great time at the Bridge. Look out for Mia & Ghost... Purrs to your family.
Jade, Myst, Blackie & Mom Jen
Rocky, we are so sorry that you had run to the Bridge. We are sending purrs and prays to you all.
joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu from Singapore
We will miss you buddy! Fly free!
Brenda, Boots & Ozzie
So sorry to hear about Rocky. Our thoughts and purrayers are with his family and furiends during this very sad time.
We are so sad to hear the news about Rocky. We are thinking of you and purring for you, all of his family and friends.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo, Honey & Pinkie
Rocky's last post was very nice, and we are sure he is doing grate. It's his peeples that we feel sad for. We hope time will heal the hole in your hearts. Purrs.
Rocky, buddy, I'm sure gonna miss you. You've always been a real inspiration to me..a Mancat's Mancat, you might say. What with the vixins linin' up just to wash your face and hangin' out in gutters and just kinda grousin' through the day, You had a special savoir-faire. Now, you've taken it with you to the Bridge, where a lot of our friends are all hangin' together. Well, Dood, good-bye. We'll be seein'ya, someday.
Your friend,
Angus Mhor
Da Blogosphere will not be da same wifout yoo Rocky. We know yoo will be takin care of fings over dare at da bridge an bringin' lots of laffs to all da gang. We will miss yoo but we know we'll see yoo again some day.
In da mean time we'll send lots of hugs and purrs to your humans cuz we know they are gonna miss yoo somefin bad. Take care and send blessings down to us all.
Beau Beau, Angie, and Mom Brenda
I've been out of town and just read the news of Rocky's passing. Comforting purrs from SS&S and (((hugs))) to all of you. -sss's mom
We are very sad to hear about Rocky. We send all our good feelings to your house.
Oh Rocky,
We are so sad that you went to the Bridge. We send all our purrs and hugs. Be well, old friend.
LOKi and Bean
May your trip to the Bridge be filled with vixins and nip...
hugs from Denver
Rocky is here, safe with me, across the Rainbow Bridge. I had a soft pillow and some nip all set up for an easy landing. Rest assured that he is being treated like the Gorgeous and Adorable Gutter Cat he has always been. I know it has been hard for all of the beans to say good bye, but I have been very lonely here since I arrived. I am glad to have my favorite Gutter Cat to care for me and for me to spoil. He's in good paws!
Purrs to all from across the Bridge, Halloween
We send our sincere condolances over the loss of your handsome, sweet boy; there are no words to express the deep sorrow of losing such a precious family member...We came to visit from Jackpot's blog and wanted to wish you comfort at this sad time...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
rocky we will think og you in evey nip cigra and every gutter we see you be missed say hi to mu shue i shue he bring the nip to the party
Lilly lu iris and maxie
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