Rocky, My beans tell me you are the most important geezer mancat on the internets. I have read about your adventures. I want to be just like you. One problem: I am an indoor cat and do not have access to a Gutter. Can you suggest an indoor alternative?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Yoo done a really good job in yoor foto shoot...unlike some other cats we know.
You sure do have that "it" factor!
Rocky, we're very glad that you interrupted your nap for this great photo. Sleep tight!
Emerson and Mommie
Oh, Rocky! I got your card today an' I must say "hubba, hubba"! Thanks for the St. Paddy's Day greetings an' a photo of you to snuggle with ...
You're looking very handsome, Rocky. It's no wonder the spicy vixens can't resist you. look marvelous!!!
Rocky, My beans tell me you are the most important geezer mancat on the internets. I have read about your adventures. I want to be just like you. One problem: I am an indoor cat and do not have access to a Gutter. Can you suggest an indoor alternative?
Your student, Jackpot
We gots yoor card Rocky, but Sadie took it to her pillow on da back of da couch to sleep wif. She sez she isn't okay, we unnerstand her.
Sounds like a plan to me...
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