I furgot to go to my vixin Sadie's berthday. I cood uze the exkyoose that my ladey was gon at a Dee-A-Ar thing, but the reel reezin is that, like evrything else, I slept rite thru it. Boy, I shur hope I don't git on Sadie's bad side. Cuz that's the last thing I need to complikate my life and keep me frum sleepin.
Happy Berthday, Sadie. Yer a luvly vixin, and I hope yoo'l furgive this old geezer cat for sleepin' his life away.
we's shur that Sadie will forgive you!
We know Sadie will forgive you! We all nap through some things in life!
Oh Rocky, yoor more den furgiven...yoor loved. Yoor naps are importint and it's not like yoo FURGOT like my own mom did! Tell yoo what, I'll come over and snuggle yoo and keep Tripper off yoo while yoo nap some more.~Sadie
We hope Sadie cuts you some slack, Rocky!
Sadi will not fail tp forgive you.
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