Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Widebody Wenzday

He tot me how to play and how to rassle and how to have fun. This was beefore I had a harem to keep me cumpanny. We miss Joonyer. --- THE END - RtGC
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Tuxie Toozday

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Phewie! Whut a St Patriks Day!
We sellubrated hard last nite for St Patrik's Day. I pincht all the gerls and Trip was with me ... we did a lot of my primo nip and ate a ton of greenies... it was GRATE! We dansed a danse called a jig wich makes yoo lite-hedded vary fast, espeshully after a lot of nip. Trip got blotto. I wasn't much better, but I dragged myself upstares, peed on the brand noo box that Rosie and Cheeto sent to the wite rat, and crawld into my tunnel box to sleep it off. Geezers can party just as hard as yoo yung-uns!!! Woot!

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Got Stuk Saterday
Today I got stuk on top of thing called a "trellis" that covers the walkway at the side of the howse. I yowld and yowld and the ladey came and I think she was going to wate until the man came home to git me down, and I sed NO NO NO GIT ME DOWN NOW!!!! So she got the silvery ladder thing and got me to come by the end of the trellis, and grabbd me and put me on her sholder and wint down the silvery thing to the grownd, and I was so exsited to have bin reskyood that I frolikt! I did a littul jig and then I ran up the birch tree to sellubrate! THE END --- RtGC
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Goodbye, Fudge Ripple

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tabby Toozday

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Skeezix is Sik
My buddy Skeezix is sik. He's too sik to blog. The ladey brot him home in the prizzin box today and he wint to bed and he's bin in bed ever sinse. He won't eet anything. He duzn't even wunt to shop for kyoot owtfits on the innernet. But he hasn't throne up sinse he got home. He has to go bak to the vet man on Munday. They put flooids in him and giv him medisins. I don't have anybuddy to play with. I hope he'll be okay, sinse he's my only frend. THE END --- RtGC
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Widebody Wenzday

This is Atlas, hoo is having I serjery today. Yoo may know Atlas frum the fame-us C Street Band. Let's hope he duz well: we luv ya, guy! If yer a Catster member, drop by his profile and leeve him a treet or a rozette, okay?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Tuxie Toozday
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Skeezix got his tunnelbox bak
Skeez' is vary upset and his face is leeking, so I deesided to give him bak his tunnel box to make him feel better. I kinda like the cozy reesykling box with the peeping tom holes better, anyway.
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