Sunday, September 30, 2007

Only howrs left to vote!!!!

At the top of the rite sidebar, I have a pole wich asks the qweschun, "How do yoo woo yer spicy vixins?" Voting ends tonite! Pleeze way in.

The Lizzerd

Miss Pixie gave Skeez' a lizzerd for his berthday. I've never seen a lizzerd like it. It has sparkles, and it likes to live under the Fed Ex envelope on the desk ware I snoopervize. I can't have lizzerds on the desk wile I werk. Do yoo think it wood be okay if I kilt Skeez's lizzerd?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Meow Like a Pirate Day: SEP 19th!!!

My Pirate Name: "Quadruped" Patrick Slaughter

I'm pulling together a pirate krew to go with me to git that yappy littul dawg that came into MY BAK YARD today and throde me into the pool and SWIMMIN IS NOT FUN so I think that littul yappy dawg needs to walk the plank. And then I'm gonna feed him to the gaters and let him swim with the fishes.

Tuxie Toozday: A tuxie at 10 Downing St!

Sybil is my noo idul and she looks like she mite be Spicy Vixin mateeriul. Sybil, the ferst cat to reezide at 10 Downing Street in 10 yeers, is fond of the new British prime minister's gardun. And its berdies. Reed storey heer.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Reezult of Spicy Vixins Pole

The reezults of my Spicy Vixins pole are in. By a landslide, the winning answer to the qweschun "Do yoo prefer yer spicy vixins OLD or YUNG?" was "OLD - They have a lot more tricks up thare sleeves" with 80% of the vote. The other choices were:

OLD: Thare gratefull and not as uppity (7%)
YUNG: I like the newest moduls (7%)
YUNG: I like to kustum trane them (5%)

And I think if I'd blocked Mao frum voting, the "newest moduls" choice woodn't have gottin any votes.

Thanks for partisipayting in this edukayshunul pole!

Don't fergit to reespond to my new pole: how do yoo woo yer spicy vixins?

Monday, September 03, 2007

Mi vixin picante: Contest!

We have a winner! The ferst of many correkt ansers was submitted by Fiona Bun!!! Concats, Fiona! Yer can of Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt is on its way!

Yoo will need the Flash 9 viewer installed to watch this grate moovey... it's werth the downlode!!

The ferst cat hoo gesses wich of my ravishing spicy vixins I'm dansing with will win a can of Mao & Rocky's ® Vishus Deer Repelunt!