Well, innernets, it's bin grate, it reely has. But da last cupple of weeks I've been a littul off my game, and today I decided to hed over to da Bridge.
It wuz not an eezy decizhun, and I'll miss my vixins, but the time had come, and I wuz reddy to get on to faze 2.
I was with the ladey win I wint. I just wint to sleep and didn't wake up. I know it made her eyes git all watery, but it was better than if she'd had to take me into the torcher place one more time. Neether one of us wunted that.
And, I gave them a gift that will keep on giving. I had cooties. And I shared it with the peepul so they'd remember even after I'm gone. Thare both all covered in kreem now and washing every single thing they own, inklooding thare manparts and ladyparts, and da other 3 cats had to go to the torcher place to git cooty-killing medisins. I'm sorry my bud Trip had to do that, but I wuz reely happy that Mao had to go. Man, I won't miss him yellin' all the time. He wood never shut his piehole. It reely got on my nervs. Anyway, yoo mite say I had da last laff. That felt good.
I do wunt to give a speshul thank yoo to Shabby and Katie Tulip and Angel Kalin fur da nice Susan Faye pikcher they had painted fur da wite rat on his berthday. It's one of da only pikchers we have of da hole famly together, and I know the peepul trezhure it.
I have been looking forwerd to meeting up some of my frends and vixins hoo are alreddy at da Bridge like Halloween and Bathsheba and the mancats, too, but espeshully Joonyer, my bestest frend in the yooniverse. I like havin doods I can hang with and burp and belch and fart and watch NASCAR and wrasslin and stuff. Joonyer tawt me how to wrassle. I have mist him a lot. I
got deeprest win he wint to the Bridge.
I will miss my gutter, and the flower bed next to the driveway ware I cood sit in the sun. I will miss drinkin owt of da swimmin pool evry morning. I will miss my speshul vixin DMM, and my twin vixin, Sadie, and all the other gerlcats hoo think I'm hot (hey, take a number, laydeez). I'll miss the man, cuz we were buddies. He was grate. I won't miss Mao cuz he wuz a pane, but I will miss Tripper hoo wuz my best frend after Joonyer. Tripper was weird cuz he was always kissin me, but we had whut yoo wood call an understanding. Trip had my bak.
So, I won't be bloggin' any more. I'll miss that, but thare's lots to do at the Bridge, and my parts don't hert anymore, wich is nice. And I promiss, evry nite I'll look down to Sandy Eggo, and wave to da best vixin anywun ever had, DMM. She is spunky, and I'll never furget her.
Thank yoo all fur following my advenchers on my blog. It's bin giggles.